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发布者:泉州变压器厂    发布时间:2018-07-24
        第二种为充氮密封型,氮气垫的休积约占油体积的15 % (20℃时),氮气纯度为98%。泉州变压器的损耗使泉州变压器油膨胀,减少了气体占有空间,将热传递到气体中。泉州变压器油的温度升高和气体的温度升高具有增压的作用,而油体积的变化和泉州变压器油对气体的吸收则具有减压作用。
Characteristics of sealed transformers
    Traditional cabinet with transformer oil and the cooling medium in contact with ambient air, oxygen and moisture to easily immersed in the tank, so that the transformer oil and insulating materials easy to aging, and due to absorption of water leaving the lower dielectric strength for these two shortcomings , both at home and abroad to make in the production of transformer isolation with air coolant transformer: sealed transformer.
    Since the 1980s, foreign developed a sealed transformer. Because of this transformer to prevent oxygen and moisture into the transformer box, extend the life of the transformer, do not put into operation before the hanging heart check, run and then remove the maintenance and repair, so. Popular.
Sealed transformer tank cover and can be made between the traditional bolt connections, the transformer cover, pumping and tank level indicator for a break between the solder, thereby reducing the partial penetration, improve the strength of the tank to ensure the delivery pressure device sealing, equipment, less maintenance can be done 20 years without major repairs, which requires structural design from the product, raw materials selection, and many other aspects to consider product reliability. Technically proven effective measures should be taken.
    Sealed fuel tank structure, sealed transformer, there are three main types:
    The first is air sealed type, that is left inside the tank at a certain height from the cover of the air, the oil thermal expansion of compressed air, reducing the oil pressure on the walls of the box. However, this type of transformer oil maintenance period is shorter, maintenance costs for the breathing-type (the general transformers with oil conservator) of 50%.
    The second type of nitrogen sealed, nitrogen pad off the plot oil volume of about 15% (20 ℃), the nitrogen purity of 98%. The loss of the transformer oil transformer expansion, reducing the gas occupies space, the heat transfer to the gas. Transformer oil temperature and gas temperature has a booster effect, and changes in the volume of oil and transformer oil will have absorbed the gas decompression.
    The third is the whole oil-filled sealed type. Such transformers are due to changes in temperature and load changes in the volume of transformer oil. Entirely by the flexibility of the transformer tank to be adjusted. Therefore, sealed under atmospheric pressure tank, the pressure changes in the main tank by the oil volume and flexibility of decision, and ripple tank just to meet this requirement.










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